Minggu, 07 Juli 2019

World Chocolate Day

Photo by: google.com/chocolate

World Chocolate Day occurs on 7 July since 2009 (Wikipedia).

Yups and today is the day!
Honestly, I never knew it before. I just knew it today after I saw an Instagram post by WWF. Here is the link if you want to see the post: #WorldChocolateDay

The video showed us about what is chocolate made of. And if you click the link above, you'll see that chocolate is made from cocoa bean taken from a cocoa tree. The cocoa tree could be found in the jungle, but today there is so much cocoa plantation around the tropic country in the world. Because cocoa is one of the most important commodity.

Let's talk about chocolate. Chocolate is made from the cocoa seeds through a long process. That's why the price of chocolate is expensive. As I ever worked in cocoa field, I know that to get a fine cocoa seeds, which have a premium taste of chocolate, there should be a long process from taking the cacao fruit from the tree, take the bean from the fruit, fermentation, to dry off the bean, roasting and other processes until we get that product called "Chocolate".

Fermentation process determines the flavor of chocolate. It lasts for 5 days (some said it could be more, but no longer than 8 days), and every 2 days the beans should be mixed or turned to allow oxygen into the pile. The process of fermentation will let the pulp layering cocoa bean turns into alcohol. At the end of the fermentation process, the cocoa beans will change in color. It could be turned a brownish-yellow or violet-brown depends on the cocoa species. Proper fermentation of cocoa seed gives a better flavor of chocolate, less time roasting, and aroma to the chocolate.

So, do you think it's an easy process to get a bar of chocolate?

Happy World Chocolate Day!  

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